keyword: configure IE, CCTV, security camera
(Please note that the following steps are needed only when you are using IE to login the CCTV, and facing issues such as security warnings; in addtion, it might be only applicable when you are using a older version of our CCTV devices. So please refer to the instructions only when it is suitable)
After we have completed the installation of the security CCTV cameras for your home/office, you should be able to use your iPhone/Android phone/Windows phone to view the CCTV video footage in real time now. If you want to see the CCTV video using your computer directly, here are some steps you might need to go through (for OS Windows 7 and above):
1. Go to “Start” -> “All programs”, find the 32 bits Internet Explorer as follows.

2. At the address bar, enter the URL address we have given to you. It should be in the format of: http://[your personalized domain]:[http port]. Please get your personalized domain for the CCTV and http port from us.
3. You should be able to see the login page as follows.

4. Go to “internet options” -> “Security” -> “custom level”. You should be able to see the windows below.

5. Enable all the settings under “ActiveX controls and plug-ins”. Don’t worry about the security warnings. We will fix that later.

6. Click “Ok” when it is done. Now you are back to the CCTV login page: http://[your personalized domain]:[http port]. Refresh the page by pressing F5.

7. Now you should be asked whether to install “”, as follows. Choose “Install ActiveX Control”.
8. After installation, the page will refresh automatically. After that you can login using the name and password we have given to you.
9. After you login, you can choose the “Fix Settings for me” to restore your computer’s risk level. That is all. Enjoy!